The mission of Freedom Riders is to assist child victims of domestic violence and abuse through therapeutic horsemanship. This program benefits victims who are suffering from emotional and physical wounds as a result of abuse. Participants will experience various levels of therapy by gaining knowledge about the benefits of learning trust and healing through direct interaction with horses. Freedom Riders contributes to the support crucially needed by participants who are seeking an innovative approach to love and trust again. As a result of being part of the Freedom Riders program, children victims are afforded the opportunity to become responsible and stable members of our community once again.
Why Choose Therapeutic Riding?
The Freedom Rider Program builds confidence for the rider through interaction and care during a therapeutic horsemanship training session. This type of freedom is what victims of domestic violence and child abuse are seeking. This effective intervention teaches riders vital skills such as following instructions, focusing, task sequence, participation and self-confidence. The child develops empathy to move forward in their life. Equine activities build trust and help form a relationship between the horse and the rider.
Victims of Abuse
Freedom Riders provide individual therapeutic horseback riding lessons. This program encourages participants with internal healing and overcoming their fears in taking their first step back into the community. Lessons are provided on a weekly basis to all qualifiedclients. Horses are one of the most gracious of all animals. The combination of their size and gentleness are helpful in instructing children that it is possible to be both strong and kind without giving up one for the other. This program will provide the skills in building a stronger relationship with their families and themselves.
For more information on the Freedom Riders Program, call 956.534.4901.